Definition of Light elf

1. Noun. One of a race of elves who live above ground and are radiant. ¹

2. Noun. (context: paganism) A daylight dwelling elf or nature spirit (as opposed to the underground dwelling dark elves or dwarves) in Heathenry. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Light Elf

light clay
light clock
light coagulation
light colonel
light company
light cone
light cones
light cream
light curve
light dependent reaction
light dependent resistor
light diet
light difference
light differential threshold
light echo
light elf
light elves
light engine
light engines
light filter
light flyweight
light gel
light globe
light globes
light green SF yellowish
light gun
light guns
light harvesting system
light heavyweight
light hour

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